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Advent 2020 Devotion: Week 3

Bob Organ

John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

The Old Testament is alive with references to a coming Redeemer, a Saviour and other titles of His character. Probably the most well known is Isaiah’s prophecy [9:6]: "He will be a Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace with no end’’ and describes this Saviour as ‘Immanuel’: ‘God with us’ [7:14]. Mary was told by the angel that her child was to be named ‘Jesus’ and that He would be ‘Great’, the ‘Son of the Most High’. He will sit on the throne and reign for ever.

Jesus lived amongst us in human form, eating and drinking as we do. When tempted by the enemy, He could have called on supernatural powers – His own, or hosts of Holy angels – but He only used defences available to us to counter these attacks. He spent 30 years living amongst His step siblings and neighbours before starting His main ministry.

Scripture shows His ministry covered all manner of human brokenness as He travelled throughout Judah, Samaria, Phoenicia and east of the Jordan. He began His preaching with a call to repent of sin, He called out hypocrisy and constantly preached forgiveness and love, showing many examples how we are to live and relate to the world around us. A healing ministry also characterises His time among us. His coming fulfilled all those Old Testament prophecies, and made it possible for us to know our Father God personally, through Him. We look at the character of Jesus and know the character of the Father [Heb 1:3]. He put a face on God for us.

Our headline scripture details two of our Father’s greatest attributes: grace and truth. In 2 Timothy 1:9,10 we read that grace was given to us before the beginning of time, but now that "grace has been revealed through the appearance of Christ Jesus" here on earth, in human form. It was this grace that led to Christ's sacrifice and through His sacrifice, His death for our sins, taking our place on that cross, making it possible for us to come into God’s Holy presence and eternal life with Him.

Christ's death on the cross was not the end of His earthly ministry. When Jesus, after rising from the dead, returned to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit as Another Counsellor who would live within us, to guide us in all areas of life.


1. How does Christ's living among us in human form affect your perspective of God ?

2. Have you asked the Holy Spirit to fill your life with His fruit today ?

3. Are there areas in your life that you haven’t surrendered to Christ ?

Prayer : Heavenly Father, I thank You that You sent Your Son to us, to live amongst us, showing just how much You love and care for us – that You revealed Your nature through Him to us, so that we can trust ourselves completely to You. Father I am so grateful. Amen

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